The most beautiful and most known Croatian national park Plitvitskie lakes is a part of a world heritage of UNESCO. It is located not far from the main motorway connecting Zagreb with Dalmatia. The phenomenon represents 16 small lakes mutually connected by cascades which were generated as a result of adjournment of limestone. Value represent dense beechen and the fir forests from time to time reminding a taiga in which numerous animal kinds (a brown bear,

the fox, a deer, roe deer, a wild boar, a dared hedgehog) were kept. On reserve it is possible to go all the day, dragging on feet your 100 kilogram body, not to eat and to not drink, and thus to not feel at all weariness. I think, that the cascade of falls and lakes was formed on a place of a break of the ground. Sensation from travel on reserve is such as if had visited other dimension. I have preferred at the second and the subsequent trips on Plitvetskie lakes of independent excursion without tourist group. First time with the guide it was useful to listen to the information, but running from one place to another does not bring completeness of charm of the Plivetskie’s nature. Air in reserve is sated with oils of coniferous trees, that noticeably affects activation of a brain in a direction of sharper perception of an environment. Especially amaze with the shades of lake which depending on overcast change a tonality of colour. Most likely the ground on a break has on an output in the structure chemical compounds of copper and sulfur which being enriched with active oxygen form connection close on structure to copper sulfate. On lakes bathing (and water there cold enough) and a lot of fish who is not authorized for catching is

forbidden. Most of all I observed redfin, by the sizes up to 3 pounds. Floated as and brook trout. Flights of fishes simply mad. When it you throw something from meal (and to it in my opinion in general all the same that is)they flight greedy snatch, despite of feeding person. Slices of a roll of bread as we see on a video-roller, are eaten instantly. Impressions the most positive and wonderful! To reach Plitvetskie lakes with the developed network of bus routes is not difficult. As it is convenient to move across Croatia on the rented car or motorbike. Roads quite normal. Only it is necessary to be careful of one natural phenomenon. Coastal sea air is sated with salts which are postponed and accumulate on an asphalt covering, that at the certain natural phenomena (the rain and a wind)

do an asphalt covering slippery enough. In the Croatian agencies of the cheapest cars of mark Fiat Uno are, however it is necessary to pay attention to special offers - dearer car can cost at present more cheaply. There is still Reno-4 vehicle which rent manages all in 20 $ for a day; if lucky it is possible to order on a place. Day of rent Fiat Uno will manage in 30 $, Opel Corsa - in 35 $ plus surcharge for run (0,15 $ for each kilometre (a minimum - 100 km) or $150-250 in a week with unlimited mileage). If you are going to drive much, choose the last variant. Cost of rent includes 30 percent of insurance for the vehicle. The full insurance costs in addition $3-6 per day, the insurance from theft still $3-6 so it is not necessary to save. As it is possible to buy in any travel company of the country excursion with a transfer and a feed. As a rule, in the same travel companies it is possible to learn about cost of the local real estate both in long-term rent, and in the property. Investments into the Croatian real estate under conditions of a world economic crisis are rather attractive. The prices on small houses 20-50 km away from the sea begin from 2 500 $

, that for the European country is a little. Because the area of Plitvetskie lakes just also is in a direct distance from coast of Adriatic sea, quite probably, that there it is possibility to buy an apartment in a small storey house or the whole house at the price of monthly residing at a five star hotel. It’s true that there are some nuances in legal registration of the real estate in the property for not citizens of the Croatian republic. But travel agencies and firms of the real estate explain, that " any problems are not present ". People in the country rather counterbalanced and benevolent. Certain surrounding nature to which the Croats quiveringly concern, has rendered beneficial effect on character of local people.